

GANs for Semantic Segmentation in Medical Imaging


A notable development in computer vision is the use of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) for semantic segmentation in medical imaging, especially for improving the precision and effectiveness of medical diagnosis. In order to identify diseased areas in medical scans like MRI, CT, or histopathological imaging, or to differentiate between various tissue types, semantic segmentation entails grouping every pixel in an image into predetermined categories. By producing high-resolution images and honing segmentation maps, GANs—which are composed of a generator and a discriminator—can successfully enhance the quality of segmentation. GANs can be used to generate synthetic training data in medical imaging, solving the widespread problem of a lack of labelled datasets, which are frequently expensive and time-consuming to obtain. GANs aid in the training of more resilient and broadly applicable segmentation algorithms by supplementing pre-existing datasets with generated images. Additionally, they can improve the segmentation results’ visual quality by lowering artefacts and establishing more distinct boundaries. Tumour detection, organ segmentation, and enhancing the visibility of anatomical features are some of the applications of GANs in this context that can greatly help radiologists and pathologists in their diagnostic procedures. The future of automated diagnosis and medical imaging depends on continued study in this field because, despite their potential, there are still issues to be resolved, such as guaranteeing the accuracy and interpretability of GAN-generated outputs.

GANs for Semantic Segmentation in Medical Imaging report





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